simple class defination - its just a logical grouping of objects and methods
suppose we want a define a person object and with some attributes and methods on the person objects. we do it like this.
class User:
def __init__(self, age, gender, location, contact):
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
self.location = location = contact
def setContact(new_contact): = new_contact
def setLocation(new_location):
self.location = new_location
notice def __init__(self, age, gender, location, contact):
This is called the constructor of the class.
as name suggests it is used to construct
a class instance
from the class defination
of User
A class can be considered as a blueprint or instruction manula of how the class should be constructed. until now memory is not allocated for the class above its just a blueprint/instruction manual.
What if we want to use above class? for that we need to create a class instance
or an object
of class User
This is how we do it:
John = User(20,'male','tokyo','98924676488')
The above is like asking python “ if you happen to know how to create a User
,then create it with the values that i provide and remember to follow the instruction manual for creating a User John
and then to use its attributes
here John
is just one instance of User class yo ucan create any number of instances of a class you want.
Now whats going on with that self
in function definations inside class?
refers to instance itself that we created. calling John..setLocation('UK')
puts those instruction to John instance. simply put self
is the instance of the John that setLocation
is being called could have written User.setLocation(John,'UK')
# Instance Level v/s Class Lvel.
until now all we saw was creating attributes and methods at instance level i.e each class has its own copy of its attributes.What if we wanted some attribute to be present at class level?
its actually quite simple. This is how its done
class User:
defaultAge = 25
def __ini__(age,location,gender):
self.location = location
self.gneder = gender
if gender:
self.age = age
self.age = defaultAge
now every object of User
will have a common value defaultAge